UMass Embodied AGI Group

I am an incoming Ph.D. student in Computer Science at UMass Amherst, advised by Prof. Chuang Gan. My primary research interest lie in multi-modality learning and video synthesis.

I received my master’s degree in Computer Science at CSE of University of California, San Diego. During my master study, I was fortunate to be mentored by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. Starting from the summer of 2021, I worked with Prof. Jianbo Shi at University of Pennsylvania as a research intern. I have also worked with Prof. Huaizu Jiang at Northeastern University.

Before graduate study, I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology at SIST of ShanghaiTech University, under the supervision of Prof. Laurent Kneip on event-based visual SLAM. During undergraduate, I have been lucky to work on video frame interpolation with Prof. Shenghua Gao at ShanghaiTech in my senior year, and I also worked as a research intern on AutoML with Prof. Xia Hu at Rice university in my junior year.

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